
Wireless CLI command

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 For troubleshooting purpose we can use below command to understand the cli command

Wireless CLI 

show acl 

 (To display the access control lists (ACLs) that are configured on the controller, use the)

show advanced 802.11a channel —
shows how to display the automatic channel assignment configuration and statistics

show advanced 802.11a coverage–
shows how to display the statistics for coverage hole detection

show advanced 802.11a group

shows how to display Cisco radio RF group settings

show advanced 802.11b loggin

shows how to display 802.11b RF event and performance logging:
< span style="color: #58585b; font-family: CiscoSans, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 400;">
show advanced 802.11b monitor

shows how to display the radio monitoring for the 802.11b network:

show advanced 802.11a profile AP1

shows how to display the configuration and statistics of a specific access point profile:

show advanced 802.11b txpower
shows how to display the configuration and statistics of the 802.11b transmit power cost

show advanced backup-controller

shows how to display the backup controller information

show advanced client-handoff
o display the number of automatic client handoffs after retries, use the

show advanced dot11-padding
shows how to view the state of over-the-air frame padding

show advanced eap

shows how to display the EAP settings

show advanced statistics

 shows how to display switch port statistics mode

show advanced timers

shows how to display the system timers setting

show ap cdp

Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) information for an access point, use the show ap cdp commands

show ap cdp neighbors ap-name
shows how to display details about a specific neighbor with a specified access point using CDP

show ap channel ap_name

To display the available channels for a specific mesh access point,

show ap config { 802.11 { a | b } | general } cisco_ap

To display the detailed configuration for a lightweight access point

show ap core-dump cisco_ap

To display the memory core dump information for a lightweight access poin

show ap crash-file
shows how to display the crash file generated by the access point:

show ap data-plane {all | Cisco_AP }

To display the data plane status for all access points or a specific access point

show ap eventlog ap_name

To display the contents of the event log file for an access point that is joined to the controller

show ap image { cisco_ap | all}
to display the detailed information about the predownloaded image for specified access points

show ap join stats detailed ap_mac

to display all join-related statistics collected for a specific access point

show ap monitor-mode summary

shows how to display current channel-optimized monitor mode settings

show ap stats { 802.11 { a | b } | wlan } cisco_ap [tsm {client_mac | all}]
To display the statistics for a Cisco lightweight access point, use the show ap stats command

show IPsec { brief | detailed }

To display active Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) security associations (SAs)

show known ap summary

shows how to display a summary of all known access points

show license capacity
shows how to display the license capacity:

show local-auth config

To display local authentication configuration information

show memory monitor

 shows how to display a summary of memory monitoring settings and a summary of test results

show mesh ap summary

hows how to display a summary format

show network

shows how to display the network details

 show network multicast mgid summary

hows how to display a summary of multicast groups and their MGID

transfer upload datatype { config | coredump | crashfile | errorlog | invalid-config | pac | packet-capture | panic-crash-file | radio-core-dump | signature | systemtrace | traplog | watchdog-crash-file }

to set the controller to upload specified log and crash files, use the transfer upload datatype command

transfer upload start
shows how to initiate an upload of a file

debug aaa {[ all | detail | events | packet | ldap | local-auth | tacacs ] [ enable | disable ]}

To configure AAA debug options, use the debug aaa command.

debug aaa local-auth { db | shim | eap { framework | method } { all | errors | events | packets | sm }} { enable | disable }

To debug AAA local authentication on the controller, use the debug aaa local-auth command

debug ap { enable | disable | command cmd } cisco_ap

To enable or disable remote debugging of Cisco lightweight access points or to remotely execute a command on a lightweight access point, use the debug ap command.

debug dot11 mgmt station

shows how to debug management station settings

debug memory { errors | events } { enable | disable }

To enable or disable debugging of errors or events during controller memory allocation, use this command

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