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Wireless CLI command

Updated: Jan 21

Wireless CLI Commands

1. Access Control List (ACL) Configuration:

  • show acl

    Displays the access control lists (ACLs) that are configured on the controller.

2. 802.11a Channel Configuration:

  • show advanced 802.11a channel

    Displays the automatic channel assignment configuration and statistics.

3. 802.11a Coverage:

  • show advanced 802.11a coverage

    Displays statistics for coverage hole detection.

4. Cisco Radio RF Group Settings:

  • show advanced 802.11a group

    Displays the Cisco radio RF group settings.

5. 802.11b RF Event and Performance Logging:

  • show advanced 802.11b logging

    Displays 802.11b RF event and performance logging.

6. 802.11b Radio Monitoring:

  • show advanced 802.11b monitor

    Displays the radio monitoring information for the 802.11b network.

7. Specific Access Point Profile Configuration:

  • show advanced 802.11a profile AP1

    Displays the configuration and statistics of a specific access point profile.

8. 802.11b Transmit Power Configuration:

  • show advanced 802.11b txpower

    Displays the configuration and statistics for the 802.11b transmit power.

9. Backup Controller Information:

  • show advanced backup-controller

    Displays backup controller information.

10. Client Handoff Statistics:

  • show advanced client-handoff

    Displays the number of automatic client handoffs after retries.

11. Frame Padding Status:

  • show advanced dot11-padding

    Displays the state of over-the-air frame padding.

12. EAP Settings:

  • show advanced eap

    Displays EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol) settings.

13. Switch Port Statistics:

  • show advanced statistics

    Displays switch port statistics.

14. System Timers Configuration:

  • show advanced timers

    Displays the system timers configuration.

15. Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) Information for Access Points:

  • show ap cdp

    Displays Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) information for an access point.

  • show ap cdp neighbors ap-name

    Displays details about a specific neighbor for a specified access point using CDP.

16. Access Point Channels:

  • show ap channel ap_name

    Displays the available channels for a specific mesh access point.

17. Lightweight Access Point Configuration:

  • show ap config {802.11 {a | b} | general} cisco_ap

    Displays the detailed configuration for a lightweight access point.

18. Memory Core Dump for Lightweight Access Point:

  • show ap core-dump cisco_ap

    Displays the memory core dump information for a lightweight access point.

19. Crash File Information for Access Point:

  • show ap crash-file

    Displays the crash file generated by the access point.

20. Data Plane Status:

  • show ap data-plane {all | Cisco_AP}

    Displays the data plane status for all access points or a specific access point.

21. Event Log of Access Points:

  • show ap eventlog ap_name

    Displays the contents of the event log file for an access point joined to the controller.

22. Pre-downloaded Image for Access Points:

  • show ap image {cisco_ap | all}

    Displays detailed information about the pre-downloaded image for specified access points.

23. Access Point Join Statistics:

  • show ap join stats detailed ap_mac

    Displays join-related statistics for a specific access point.

24. Monitor Mode Settings:

  • show ap monitor-mode summary

    Displays current channel-optimized monitor mode settings.

25. Lightweight Access Point Statistics:

  • show ap stats {802.11 {a | b} | wlan} cisco_ap [tsm {client_mac | all}]

    Displays statistics for a Cisco lightweight access point.

26. IPsec Security Associations:

  • show IPsec {brief | detailed}

    Displays active IPsec security associations (SAs).

27. Known Access Points Summary:

  • show known ap summary

    Displays a summary of all known access points.

28. License Capacity:

  • show license capacity

    Displays license capacity.

29. Local Authentication Configuration:

  • show local-auth config

    Displays local authentication configuration information.

30. Memory Monitoring Summary:

  • show memory monitor

    Displays a summary of memory monitoring settings and test results.

31. Mesh Access Point Summary:

  • show mesh ap summary

    Displays a mesh access point summary.

32. Network Details:

  • show network

    Displays network details.

33. Multicast Groups and MGID Summary:

  • show network multicast mgid summary

    Displays a summary of multicast groups and their MGID.

34. File Upload to Controller:

  • transfer upload datatype {config | coredump | crashfile | errorlog | invalid-config | pac | packet-capture | panic-crash-file | radio-core-dump | signature | systemtrace | traplog | watchdog-crash-file}Uploads specified log and crash files to the controller.

  • transfer upload startInitiates the upload of a file.

35. AAA Debugging:

  • debug aaa {[all | detail | events | packet | ldap | local-auth | tacacs] [enable | disable]}Configures AAA debug options.

  • debug aaa local-auth {db | shim | eap {framework | method} {all | errors | events | packets | sm}} {enable | disable}Debugs AAA local authentication on the controller.

36. Remote Debugging for Access Points:

  • debug ap {enable | disable | command cmd} cisco_ap

    Enables or disables remote debugging of Cisco lightweight access points, or remotely executes a command on a lightweight access point.

37. Debugging Management Station Settings:

  • debug dot11 mgmt station

    Debugs management station settings.

38. Debugging Memory Allocation Errors:

  • debug memory {errors | events} {enable | disable}

    Enables or disables debugging of memory allocation errors or events during controller memory management.

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