
Website not working using zscaler app connector

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 Website is not working using zscaler “Zscaler client connector” regarding this issue we need to understand below point before start troubleshooting.

1- Check if the website works at your end also confirm if website is working from multiple geo location 

2- Website if works at your end and not at customer end this  mean issue at Zscaler end.

3- Take Header Trace from F12 Developer tools in Browser to see for any redirection. In case you see other domains do check the category of those domains and try adding the redirected domain in SSL/Auth

4- Incase issue is with all location/Sites ask user to get the wireshark installed on their machine and collect packet capture and try to understand to use wireshark , if we get any traffic related to our website which we are facing issue.

5- if website is internal so we need to bypass this from PAC file because of there is no DNS of this.

if issue still not find out then we need to create ticket with zscaler and before create ticket we need to collect below point and provide to Zscaler Tac.

1.Output of ip.zscaler.com

2.Collect web insights logs for user and affected website

3.Wireshark and header trace with and without Zscaler

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