General Command—-
show system info = //shows the uptime, serial number, …
show system environmentals = //e.g. power supply failures
show ntp = //time server
show session info = //packet rate, number of sessions, fastpath active, etc.
show session id = //session id
show interface { all | } =//all interface
show routing route = //routing table (all routes)
show routing fib = //forwarding table (only used routes)
show routing protocol =// check routing protocol
show arp { all | } = // ARP
show neighbor interface { all | } = //IPv6 neighbor cache
show mac all = //only with layer 2 interfaces
show jobs all =// check all running process
show jobs id =//
show running resource-monitor = //resource statistics
show system resource follow //=”top”, CPU usage and processes
show system disk-space = //”df -h” check harddisk space
debug software restart = //Restart a certain process
request restart system = //Reboot the whole device
FW Session–
show system statistics application
show system statistics session
Routing debug–
debug routing pcap on
debug routing pcap show
debug routing pcap view
debug routing pcap off
debug routing pcap delete
MGMT logs—
less mp-log ?
less mp-log dnsproxyd.log
tail follow yes mp-log dhcpd.log
tail follow yes mp-log routed.log
View the traffic from the management port at least two console connections are needed. The first one executes the tcpdump command (with “snaplen 0” for capturing the whole packet, and a filter, if desired),
tcpdump snaplen 0 filter “port 53”
while the second console follows the live capture:
view-pcap follow yes mgmt-pcap mgmt.pcap
Test traffic can be generated with a third console session, e.g.:
Ping host
Later on, the pcap file can be moved to another computer with the following command:
scp export mgmt-pcap from mgmt.pcap to
Alternatively, tftp can be used:
tftp export mgmt-pcap from mgmt.pcap to