
how we can apply zscaler certification

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 We are talking about how we can apply Zscaler Certification —

Now we need to understand that Zscaler provides training and certification through credits, so we can Purpose credit online through Zscaler portal or if we can a customer of Zsclaer then they provide access To that portal where you can complete your training and start certification.

For Zscaler there are no any exam, we can directly give the assessment and pass the exam.

Now i am going to share some screen shot of process-

There are 2 types of Training Credits, Online (ZCES-EDU-CREDIT) and Lab (ZCES-EDU-LABCREDIT). One (1) Online Training Credit grants one (1) user access to ALL Zscaler Online (eLearning) courses for one (1) year.

You will need a passcode in order to register on the training portal. If you’ve purchased training credits via Purchase Order, you can contact [email protected] to request a passcode

If you have purchased training credits via credit card, you should have received an e-mail from [email protected] with your passcode. You can then proceed to: https://zscaler.myabsorb.com to register for training

There are multiple types of Zscaler certification ZIA.

Types of Zscaler private Access certification below –

We need to login on below URL with our credentails.


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lD_oIN3alc8]

Thanks guys.

Please comment if anyone have any question.

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