F5 cli command to use for troubleshooting
F5 LTM (Local Traffic Manager) is a powerful load balancer and traffic management solution. Here are some of the most important troubleshooting and day-to-day commands for F5 LTM with scenarios:
- “tmsh show sys version” – This command shows the version and build number of the F5 LTM system. Use this command when you want to check the version of the F5 LTM system.
- “tmsh show sys hardware” – This command shows the hardware information of the F5 LTM system, including the model, serial number, and memory information. Use this command when you want to check the hardware information of the F5 LTM system.
- “tmsh show sys failover” – This command shows the failover status of the F5 LTM system, including the active and standby units. Use this command when you want to check the failover status of the F5 LTM system.
- “tmsh show ltm pool” – This command shows the status of all pools configured on the F5 LTM system, including the number of active and available members. Use this command when you want to check the status of all the pools configured on the F5 LTM system.
- “tmsh show ltm virtual” – This command shows the status of all virtual servers configured on the F5 LTM system, including the IP address, port, and status. Use this command when you want to check the status of all virtual servers configured on the F5 LTM system.
- “tmsh show ltm node” – This command shows the status of all nodes configured on the F5 LTM system, including the IP address, status, and connection information. Use this command when you want to check the status of all nodes configured on the F5 LTM system.
- “tmsh show ltm rule” – This command shows the status of all rules configured on the F5 LTM system, including the name, status, and rule match conditions. Use this command when you want to check the status of all rules configured on the F5 LTM system.
- “tmsh show ltm policy” – This command shows the status of all policies configured on the F5 LTM system, including the name, status, and policy rules. Use this command when you want to check the status of all policies configured on the F5 LTM system.
- tmsh show ltm persistence” – This command shows the status of all persistence records configured on the F5 LTM system, including the name, status, and persistence type. Use this command when you want to check the status of all persistence records configured on the F5 LTM system, such as source IP or cookie persistence.
- “tmsh show ltm profile” – This command shows the status of all profiles configured on the F5 LTM system, including the name, status, and profile type. Use this command when you want to check the status of all profiles configured on the F5 LTM system, such as HTTP, TCP, or SSL profiles
How to check F5 BIG-IP Configuration
Bacup/Restore Configuration Commands
# cd /config
# cp -ip bigip.conf bigip.conf.`date “+%Y%m%d”`
Backup configuration to remote server
# tmsh save sys ucs /var/tmp/test-lb1_`date “+%Y%m%d”`.ucs
# scp /var/tmp/test-lb1-lb_`date “+%Y%m%d”`.ucs [email protected]:/tftp/conf/test-lb1/
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