Data Plane: The term data plane refers to the task that a networking device does to forward messages. Example: Anything to with receiving data, processing it, forwarding the same data. Data plane often called Forwarding plane. Adding or removing an 802.1Q trunking header, Matching Ethernet frame DMAC (L2 Switch). […]
HSRP Interview Questions and Answers Configuration of HSRFP- What is HSRP and what is it used for? HSRP stands for Hot Standby Router Protocol. It is a Cisco proprietary protocol that allows two or more routers to work together to present the appearance of a single virtual […]
VLAN interview questions and answers What is VLAN and how does it function? A VLAN, or Virtual Local Area Network, is a way to segment a physical network into logical subgroups. This allows for greater network organization and security, as well as the ability to segment network traffic. […]
Why Are Ospf Neighbors Stuck In Init State— 1- INIT State OSPF can be stuck in INIT due to the mismatch in hello packet parameters such as . –>> Hello/dead intervals. –>> Authentication. –>> Stubflag. –>> Interface subnet mask. –>> Area ID . MTU will come into the picture when […]
Difference between Routing and flooding
Difference between Stateful and stateless firewall Stateless firewall- Stateful firewall-
How to work SSL Handshake –>>> Client initiates by sending a CLIENT HELLO message which contains SSL version that the client supports, in what order the client prefer the versions, Ciphersuits (Cryptographic Algorithms) supported by the client, Random Number. —>> Server will send back a SERVER HELLO message Which contains […]
OSPF Troubleshooting (Stuck in 2 way state or Exchange state) There is a difference between OSPF in 2-Way state and OSPF ‘stuck’ in 2-Way state. In a broadcast network, 2 routers who are neither DR or BDR, will form a 2-Way neighborship with each other and ‘FULL’ with the DR/BDRs […]
Hello ALL This is Nokia Alcatel Router dumps click on link below – Link is not working , sorry for inconvenience Alcatel dumps here –
Multicast Address Class D range which is made up of the high order bits 1110 followed by the 28 bit multicast group ID. There is no subnetting with these Class D addresses