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Batch Script for window automation task basic

Updated: Jan 21

There are some major code method used in Batch scirpt below-

@ECHO OFF: Disables display of the prompt. This is usually used at the beginning of a batch file for a cleaner display. You don't need the @, but including it hides the ECHO OFF command as well.

ECHO: Prints the following text to the command window.

PAUSE: Causes the command window to remain open after the batch file is finished, or allows text in the window to be read before proceeding.

TITLE: Places a custom title in the title bar of the command window.

CLS: Clears the command window.

EXIT: Exits and closes the command window.

COPY: Copy one or more files.

REM: Record comments or remarks.

IPCONFIG: Display detailed IP information for each network adapter connected to your system.

PING: Sends an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo request to an IP address or website.

TRACERT: Check your connection to an IP or website using ICMP.SET: Used to set variables.

IF: Perform a conditional function based on user input or another variable.

ALL user question related to Bat below  -

Attaching some simple program in below link-

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